Dynamic Action - On KEY Press vs. UDF javascript Function

Dynamic Action - On KEY Press 
vs. UDF javascript Function

What is easier to configure? on ITEM Numeric Input Check:

We use this approach on Item level.

function isInputNumberNoComma(event) {
    var ch = String.fromCharCode(event.which);
    // Erlaubt Ziffern, Komma und Enter-Taste
    if (!(/[0-9]/.test(ch)) && event.which !== 13) {

The isInputNumberNoComma function is a JavaScript event handler designed to restrict input to numeric digits only. Here’s a breakdown of its functionality:

  1. Retrieve Character: It uses String.fromCharCode(event.which) to get the character associated with the key that was pressed.

  2. Allow Digits and Enter Key Only: It checks if the character is a numeric digit (0-9) or if the Enter key (key code 13) is pressed.

  3. Prevent Non-Numeric Input: If the character is not a digit and isn't the Enter key, event.preventDefault() is called to prevent the input.

Oracle Apex Solution (low code?)

You need this add Dynamic Action to a TextField or Numeric Field

Choose Event on - key press

with this action

call a javascript code..

Both works - which is more work? What do you think?

best wishes tom